Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Spacing #10
2:49 PM
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Gord, Garth, Fiona & Alice in 2 parts:
11:31 PM
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The US Catholic League is hoping that a new "atheist" Hollywood blockbuster [trailer] does not meet box office expectations ... so they immediately launched a 2-month-long protest campaign to ensure that it does:
12:06 AM
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There are lots of new pics in my iStock portfolio ... I've been picking away at my thumbs page as well. Some new stuff:
12:45 PM
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And watch these Hall & Oates machinima Sims2 re-edit thingys:
11:50 PM
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8:10 PM
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11:14 PM
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1:00 PM
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8:44 PM
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Christie is blogging again at I was wondering when she was going to get sick of posting to the unappreciative facebook audience. I don't think Becky from Grade 3 wants to debate a list of Star Trek's 10 Cheesiest Creatures. This is her third attempt at restarting her site; maybe the third time's the charm? It better be so we can enjoy loads of stuff like this:
10:56 AM
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Right-wing quackery seems to be the inevitable conclusion for 80s action stars:
4:49 PM
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1:23 AM
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7:00 PM
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I've started a little experiment. I've borrowed an online porn convention -- the thumbs gallery -- and have started an online gallery linking to my pics over at istock. Let's see if it directs any additional traffic my way. The porn industry loves these things, so they must be worthwhile, eh? And, in keeping with the spirit of those things, I've loaded it with ads and referral links.
11:10 PM
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3:05 AM
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Here are some screenshots from a TO mod for Half-life 2:
12:11 PM
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Some people say that wikipedia is unreliable, but I found an entry that said that if you play Kylie Minogue at 50% normal speed, she sounds just like Rick Astley. So I tried it and it's true.
11:30 PM
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9:46 PM
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1:47 AM
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1:33 PM
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Heroes Season 2 officially sucks:
10:22 PM
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11:48 AM
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Cast your vote for Raymi and keep the Small Dead Animals smear site from gaining undeserved publicity.
1:17 PM
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Do you know why the drug is called Celebrex? Because it celebrates.
12:52 PM
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Grumpy Rick is trying to convert his readers to The Lord in today's Metro column, holding up Hugh Laurie as an example of heathen failure and confusion: "I don't believe in God," Laurie says, "but I have this idea that if there were a God, or destiny of some kind looking down on us, that if he saw you taking anything for granted he'd take it away ... So he'll be like: 'You think this is going pretty well?' Then he'll go and send down some big disaster."
5:22 PM
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10:07 AM
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12:49 AM
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