Thursday, February 28, 2008
Far-right Funnies
Even though she's probably the last person who should be giving a talk about 'free speech and the internet' at the UofT Faculty Club, Kathy Shaidle is giving a talk about 'free speech and the internet' at the UofT Faculty Club a week from today.
10:00 AM
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Super-groovy isometric illustrations at eyeport. [ via Drawn ]
11:45 PM
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The astonishing callousness of burning millions of bushels of grain in gas tanks even as global starvation worsens has apparently never occurred to Congress, the Bush administration or the remaining presidential candidates, all of whom are big boosters of ethanol.
2:00 AM
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Mmmmm, another fine weekend of winning and not losing!
12:30 AM
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This blog will continue to be on hiatus until May. Posts appearing in this space are the result of inadvertent uncertainties.
6:54 PM
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12:08 AM
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"Social networking" still no substitue for a good blog.
8:40 PM
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12:37 AM
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"The simple truth is that there's no way anyone can stop free file-sharing. It's exciting to discover new music and natural to want to share it. File-sharing isn't about the marketplace, it's social activity, a way to seek out like-minded people, and music has always been used that way."
11:29 AM
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Wow, the new Indiana Jones trailer looks like they`ve managed to combine a dozen flavours of turd.
1:39 AM
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4:49 PM
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Things are starting to get busy here in the pre-Hot Docs production season, so I'm putting this blog on pause until spring. There might be posts from time to time when I'm able. And, eventually, a complete redesign. But before that, I'll be designing a new portfolio on my main page.
12:00 PM
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11:04 PM
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2:04 PM
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2:04 PM
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2:02 AM
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"Killing off" the character of Victor Bergman was probably the biggest mistake of Space:1999's second season. Barry Morse has died.
1:04 PM
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10:49 AM
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