Friday, August 01, 2008
Life on Lansdowne
When a crime is committed in the city, you can bet I'll be there. Not because I'm like Batman ... but because I live in the neighbourhood where the crimes get committed. Above, you can see the garage, one block over, that was part of Igor Kenk's now-infamous bike-theft-pack-rat network.
The neighbourhood has gentrified so quickly in the past few years, it seemed like the crime might have moved away. But there it is, ugly and real. Actually, the vines are kind of nice.
Meanwhile, on Lansdowne, a few stalwarts are still protesting the long-overdue maintenance that was completed months ago. Imagine the pain of having your street brutally disfigured by dozens and dozens of new trees.
Speaking of the new, anticipation builds at the plaza. 7/11 and Harvey's vacated a few years ago and now, stores are opening. Saks is much better than 7/11, so the wait was worth it.
But we don't know what's moving in to the big space. We're hoping it'll be something good even though, realistically, it's probably going to be a rub & tug superstore.
Update: Saks opened the day after this pic was taken and the mystery store is going to be a Tim Horton's.
2:00 AM
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