Sunday, September 14, 2008

I know I'm a grim, horrible person ... but sometimes even I like to have fun, which is why I did the illustrations for this 3D funhouse in the US. Inside the funhouse, you wear special glasses so the 3D illustrations JUMP OUT AT YOU. All sorts of other crazy things happen to you as well; I think one guy spits on you. No, really ... water squirts out of a hole in his mouth. Dr. Tongue would be proud.

See? Everybody loves 3D. Especially robots and Elvis impersonators. Other people who enjoy 3D include queens, monsters, cowboys, hippies and creepy little chubby twins.

3D fun was so much fun, I'm doing another one. Work is just about to begin on a Hallowe'en 3D funhouse. You may think that's TOO MUCH fun ... but i say nuts to that! bring on the fun!
11:20 PM
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