Saturday, September 20, 2008
"That's a Little Harsh."
 When this cartoon ran in the Annex Gleaner back in 2001, some people -- including the newspaper staff -- said, "It's a little harsh." And at that time it was, compared to, say, last night.
I am not blessed with remarkable psychic powers; you could see where things were heading. The provincial government under Mike Harris did the following things:
- challenged the federal government's gun registry - manufactured a public education "crisis" - provided tax breaks to private schools - implemented tax cuts that mainly benefited wealthier citizens - removed supports for lower-income citizens
But, on top of all that, the worst thing they did was to promote a climate of division and reinforce it with policy: everybody against everybody else in a dog-eat-dog world. Are we supposed to be surprised when the most vulnerable members of society take it to heart?
Fortunately, the Harris Tories are no more and some of their members now sit in Stephen Harper's caucus where they can't cause any trouble .... awwww, crap. What kind of idiot country elects the same type of people as the ones who just trashed the country next door?
2:43 PM
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