Monday, January 05, 2009
Grey Skies Are Gonna Clear Up! If you're feeling blah because it's Monday and the holidays are over, the blog Sadly, No! has been engaging in some shenanigans that should put zip back into your zingaroo. Last month the conservative blog, Gay Patriot -- a blog for gay people who have never been to this or any other planet named Earth -- launched a poll to determine the "Grande Conservative Blogress Diva 2009". Obviously, it was also posted to the 'Starbucks Patriot' blog. And they would have got away with it too, if it weren't for those damn kids. Sadly, No! decided to throw their weight behind an ol' fan favourite: So, it's up to us SadlyNauts to bring a little oomph to the Tres Grande Conservative Ogress 2009 competition. And the best way to do that is to go over there and vote en masse for Kathy Shaidle, aka Five Feet of Fury Four Feet Six Inches of Stupid. The best reason for voting for Shaidle is that Bruce and Dan do not seem to have stumbled upon the delicious irony of Gay "Patriots" giving a best blogger award to a foreigner. That alone is reason to give the lavender, white and blue ribbon to Shaidle. But there’s more -- the vile pint-sized racist is a raging homophobe too. So, when Shaidle pulled WAY ahead on the poll, the Gay Patriots yanked her from the poll, stating that she'd asked to be removed. Sadly, No! responded by endorsing another candidate who, again, raced to a staggering lead: Behind the real Blogress of 2009, the second favorite was Pamela "Atlas Shrieks" Geller. If we give her 2,000 votes, perhaps Bruce and Dan will dish out to her the same fate they dished out to poor Ms. Shaidle. So vote for Pam as often as you can. Do it for justice. Do it for Kathy! The end result? The most idiotic celebration of a whacked poll ever. Congratulations, Venti Conservative Non-Dairy Bloggucinno 2009!
12:39 AM
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