Friday, May 15, 2009
Meanwhile, on Television ...
Ok, try saying these aloud:
Rock of Love ... Bus.
Church of Christ ... Scientist.
Interesting, eh? Now say, "Reunite ... on ice."
I was thinking of this because I caught a few minutes of the season finale of Gray's Anatomy tonight. It's amazing that such a strong cast -- the key players are really good -- can be fed so much terrible dialogue. It's one of the worst written shows on tv ... the characters don't talk, they just speak in urgent declarations, for example:
If you you don't treat him, he'll die!
If you don't kiss her, she'll die!
If you don't get the oil changed, it'll die!
What makes it worse is that all of the actors deliver their dialogue in one voice and it becomes this monotone of urgent declaration. It's as though the show's writers and directors were so moved by 9/11, they decided that all of their characters should talk just like the news anchors on that day. It's all constipation and no relief ... the show needs dialogue suppositories.
And then I realized that there's another show where the characters deliver their lines the exact same way: Rock of Love, Bus. Nobody talks to one another, they just announce everything and much of it, esp. Brett Michaels declarations (I'm looking for the finale one forever to the end, amen), is just bunk.
CSI Miami has already set the dialogue cheese bar eighty metres high ... and they did it by inventing sixty different words for 'urgent'.
12:45 AM
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