Saturday, May 09, 2009
Star Trek: The Unnecessary Movie
It's Mother's Day weekend, so we went to Star Trek. My mom's been a fan since the beginning and she was optimstic about this one. And for good reason: it's a big, fun adventure.
A couple of things struck me about the movie. First, I had no idea how much I missed these characters. The Undiscovered Country came out during my last year of university so it's been more than a decade and a half since we've had a story with all of these characters together (sorry, the overly-reverent and often sappy New Voyages doesn't count).
The other impression I had afterwards was how unnecessary the story was. In a nod to the canon festishists, the story provides a semi-reboot of the franchise as a way to help old-school fans accept new actors in the classic roles. But it wasn't needed. The characters are so well cast and do such a great job of bringing the spirit of the characters to life, they could have dreamt up any old adventure and just said, "Star Trek. New Cast. Enjoy."
Phew, I needed that. If they could get a sequel together for next month, that'd be great.
* Meanwhile, on Space: we saw Christie on the Star Trek panel earlier in the day and while she seeemed to say the least, she also made the best points. Watch the look on her face when the idiot with the glasses (who thinks 'Generations' is a great film) talks ... she should have smacked that loser down.
10:34 PM
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