Tuesday, July 31, 2007
The Archie Bunker Font
Is Red Futura Extra Black more bigoted when it has been stretched and squished?
4:46 PM
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"The destructive fixation of the envious English-Canadian mind requires that the highest, happiest, most agile flyers be laid low,'' Black wrote in his 1993 memoir, "Conrad Black: A Life In Progress.'' He called it "a sadistic desire corroded by soul-destroying envy, to intimidate all those who might aspire to anything the slightest exceptional.'' Judging by public reaction to Black's recent conviction by a Chicago jury, the multi-millionaire businessman got that right -- with a vengeance.
4:47 PM
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11:44 PM
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Kinsella was in the news yesterday because he posted a lame photoshop about some nut-job Mike Harris wannabe on his blog. I didn't think it was a completely lost cause, so I've come up with some more appropriate replacement dialogue:
2:25 AM
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Two years ago I posted about what a disappointment Second Life was. Now, WIRED has caught on:
9:58 AM
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Psychologists and anthropologists have thus far largely discounted the study, claiming it has the same bias as a 1971 Stanford University study that concluded that many Vietnamese showed signs of psychological trauma from nearly a quarter century of continuous war in southeast Asia. "We are, in truth, still a long way from determining if Iraqis are exhibiting actual, U.S.-grade sadness," Mayo Clinic neuropsychologist Norman Blum said. "At present, we see no reason for the popular press to report on Iraqi emotions as if they are real."
3:55 PM
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10:45 AM
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Statetris [via BoingBoing]
12:33 AM
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11:07 PM
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Dead Robot provided moral support for his hubby in line for the book:
10:23 AM
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At The Oil Drum, they're wondering if they've been 'blacklisted by reddit & digg. On reddit, this is probably the case because TOD doesn't a post about 'Ron Paul', nor does their URL contain the names prisonplant, infowars or any other wacko crap like that...
3:02 PM
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I'm this week's 'featured illustrator' at iStock.
2:35 PM
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I can't remember the specifics but one day, around the time of the US invasion of Iraq, Michael Kesterton of the Globe & Mail included an Iraq-related 'fact' in his Facts & Arguments feature that was cheap, bullshit propaganda. Peeved, I fired off an email and called him on it and he responded with a howling email complaining about how rude I was and dodged the issue.
12:03 AM
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5:26 PM
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2:14 PM
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11:19 AM
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Cool QuicktimeVR panorama of the new waterfront park. [ Torontoist ]
10:26 AM
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Okay, how about providing a second opinion?
8:51 PM
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One of my stock characters has been picked up as the mascot at Cringe Videos.
11:00 AM
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4:31 PM
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Maddox rips into the iPhone, comparing it with a competitor (side-by-side comparison chart at the bottom of his post):
2:55 PM
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11:13 PM
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11:42 AM
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11:32 AM
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Ian King has a 2-part post challenging NDP supporters to defend Jack Layton's postion of withdrawing Canadian troops from Afghanistan:
11:18 AM
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Al-Qaeda doesn't actually have to kill people to cause terror, especially if we're doing their PR work for them. They don't need to actually land any body blows if we keep falling to the canvas every time they fake a punch.
10:28 AM
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Here's a challenge, if you're up to it:
9:29 PM
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Here are a few more pics from our trip to San Francisco ...
11:57 AM
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The former Annex Gleaner editor -- who we only met once at that party that one time -- moved to Nunavut and is reporting on Iqaluit life on her groovy blog. Her doone ... er, dude just joined her and started his own arctic Baffinblog. Lots and lots of awesome photos, go check 'em out!
12:03 AM
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I flubbed my Monday poll. Instead ... do this one.
4:24 PM
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11:36 PM
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The know-nothing columnist is someone who does away with reporting of any substantive sort and instead draws upon the details of their social circles and sex life to flush out some of their ninny-brain observations. These columnists love to coin phrases, be the first to report on a new way of dating or to inflect their work with the voice of the aforementioned Bradshaw as though that alone would lend their work a gravitas beyond mere diary writing.
11:21 PM
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9:36 AM
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A Trip to Alcatraz
2:00 PM
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Like You Just Don't Care
10:56 AM
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11:58 PM
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8:28 PM
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San Francisco
1:15 PM
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A year ago, my blog jumped the shark.
2:43 AM
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Toronto is World Facebook Capital. Maria joining pushed the numbers over the top.
12:19 PM
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